※If you don’t have any cards, you can’t る」は、次々と移動する犯人を捜しあてるゲーム。
“犯人は踊る(Han-nin wa odoru)” is a game to find out a susoect who moves.

That Rule is simple and We need some luck to win. So also beginners can play and enjoy.

Though we should read effective of cards, these are written in only Japanese. I’d like to play with many people, so I translate in English. (And also I’d like to explain this game in English!)
I hope you can enjoy 犯人は踊る♪


Outline of 犯人は踊る:概要

Game’s name:犯人は踊る (Han-nin wa odoru)

「犯人は踊る」mean “a suspect will have a bop”.
(犯人:a suspect, 踊る:bop,dance)

Purpose of the game:ゲームの目的

To find out a person who has 犯人card “now”.

Of course, if 犯人 succeeds in escaping, a person who has 犯人card win a game.

Prepare to play:準備

There are 32 cards in total.
But kinds and the number of cards which you must use are changed by number of players.

※I’ll explain effects of each card later on!

e.g. If you play by 3 persons, you use 12 cards.
You need…
・第一発見者card ×1
・犯人card ×1
・探偵card ×1
・アリバイcard ×2
・7 cards which was chosen from the rest at random


e.g. If you play by 5 persons, you use 20 cards.
You need…
・第一発見者card ×1
・犯人card ×1
・探偵card ×1
・アリバイcard ×2
・たくらみcard ×1
・14 cards which was chosen from the rest at random

If you play by 8, you must use all of the 32 cards.

How to play 犯人は踊る:遊び方

1.How to start

Shuffle cards necessary for a game.
And deal the cards face down (each person has 4 cards).
The person having 「第一発見者card」 put 「第一発見者card」 in the place. Then, game is started.

※Next player is a person who sits on the left side of 第一発見者.

2.what to do next players

①Choose one card among a hand and put it on the place face up.
※When there is not a hand, to the next person.②The effect of the card is appeared
※Players should act according to instructions of the card.③To the next player

※Repeat ①~③ clockwise.

5 kinds of cards always used:必ず使う5種類のカード

第一発見者(Dai-ichi hakken sha)

第一発見者 is The person who discover the incident.

And the game is started from the person who has this card.

犯人(Han-nin):a suspect

犯人 is a suspect.
if you’re found out by a detective, you lose.

You can put this card on the place, in case of 犯人card is The last card of a hand.
And if you can put it on the place, you win.

※You can’t tell a lie when you are found out by detective,
But if you hand both of 犯人card and アリバイcard, you can say “I am not 犯人(Han-nin)” 

※And you don’t need to put アリバイcard. you should keep it.

探偵(Tantei):a detective

Ask somebody(※except yourself) “you are 犯人, aren’t you?”.
If it’s bingo, you win.
※You cannot ask a person who has no card.

※It is usable after the second turn (※You can’t use the first turn).


If you hand this card, you can say “I am not 犯人(Han-nin)”. Even if you hand 犯人card.

Nothing is happened if you put this card on the place.

たくらみ:a plot

When you put this card, you become a 犯人side.
If 犯人 win the game, you also win. And if 犯人 lose the game, you also lose.

※In case of 3 players, たくらみcards are chosen at random.
Over 4 players, at least one たくらみcard is always existed in the game.

Another 7 kinds of cards:ランダムで入る7種類

取引(Tori hiki):Trade

Name one person.
And exchange one card each other.

※If you don’t have any cards, you can’t exchange (You can use this card but nothing is happened).


All players pick up one card from the person who sits on the right side of you.

情報操作(Jouhou sousa):manupilate informations

All the player should chose one card from a hand. Then give it a person who sit on your left (a card should face down).

目撃者(Mokugeki sha):a witness

You name one person.
And you can check all the card he or she has.

※But you can’t tell about cards the person has. You just witness.

一般人(Ippan-jin):a person in the street

Nothing is happened.

少年(Shounen):a boy

You can find out 犯人.

You should say followings.

①”Everyone, close your eyes.”
②”The person who has 犯人card open your eyes.”
③”Everyone, open your eyes”

※You know who 犯人 is now. But you can’t tell about that. You just only “know”.

いぬ(Inu):a dog

Chose one card (not yours) and open up the card.
If the card is 犯人card, you win.

If it isn’t 犯人card, notheing is happend. Just everyone knows what the card is.

Let’s enjoy 犯人は踊る

Let’s enjoy 犯人は踊る♪ I’m really happy if it helps your enjoying board games!

If you find some mistakes or difficult to understand, please let me know!